The exhibition will take visitors on a visual journey across a range of physics research within the School of Physics and Astronomy. It includes artwork depicting the formation and structure of the universe; the application of physics in the study of microorganism growth; and in the use of supercomputers for computationally intensive tasks such as quantum mechanics. It also features portraits of students and researchers.
Three Edinburgh College of Art Artists collaborated with 20 researchers during the 10 week summer project, brought together by communication and outreach colleagues.
School of Physics and Astronomy organisers commented:
“This is a great opportunity to help convey the work which takes place behind lab doors, to communicate some of the theoretical and computational physics concepts and to share some of the fascinating concepts in a visual format.”
"I hope you can see how Science can benefit from art and art from Science. These disciplines often seem worlds apart. But it has been evident throughout this opportunity the influence of bridging these disciplines. Each subject utilises our creativity to engage, interpret and transform research. It has been a fantastic opportunity to create this space where they can meet and coexist. During our Position at the JCMB School of physics and astronomy, we were given access to the inner workings of Science across sites like the Royal Edinburgh Observatory, Edinburgh Supercomputers, and Edinburgh University labs. We were asked to create work which brings to life the research, teachings and community of the University's School of Physics and Astronomy. But we saw life already in the ideas and community within the Department. We were given so much support from everyone in Physics and astronomy, which has made this time unformattable. So we hope you can envision a little artist and scientist in yourself as you view these works. There will also be a mix of scientists and artists here today, so please take the opportunity to talk and interpersonal cross these disciplines. "